Friday, August 6, 2010

Big Ben is Calling

Statistics show the majority of working age people who live in London are not married. Daniel Dorling, Professor of Human Geography at Sheffield University says, “There isn't another city, town or village like it". There is a higher proportion of single people living in London than anywhere else in the UK. Almost half the London population between 20 and 59 years are single and in many cases, three to four people share a flat where there used to be two.

The City of London is second only to Brighton in the percentage of same-sex couples according the most recent London Census returns. Nine percent of the population of London cohabitate with no children, where single parent households have become the fourth most common type of household in the UK and the most numerous in London.

Earlier this spring, rated London #5 on their list of the best cities in the world to live for single men. If you’re considering relocating a stone’s throw from Big Ben and packing light, you can buy what you need when you get there. London offers an unlimited amount of charity shops or second hand stores that sell crockery, utensils, linens or housewares for your new pad in the UK.

“Single 101: 101 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single” is now available in the UK in paperback and in the UK Kindle Store. Just follow this link and download in seconds:

Check out Reason #100- “You Can Live Anywhere You Want”.


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