Friday, October 24, 2014 Relationship Survey decided to survey their readers to find out what it means to be a man in today’s world. Opinions and roles have changed dramatically throughout the past few decades. You may be impressed at how compassionate and considerate today’s man is with regard to the woman in his life.

The percentages of the answers are very revealing in how men view their roles in relationships. Here are a few of the AskMen questions:

Of the four choices listed below, which is the most important personality trait for deciding if a woman is relationship material?

40% a sense of loyalty
25% sense of caring and nurturing

16% sense of humor

19% intelligence

Comment:  Okay, so some women might view these answers responding that you have to display that you think he’s funny, take care of him because every man needs a mother, be loyal even if he cheats and you don’t have to be very smart. (just sayin’)

Do you believe in the institution of marriage?

76% yes and one I would participate in
16% yes, I believe it is an institution, but it’s not for me

8% no, I do not believe in marriage


Is it important for a girlfriend to have wife potential?

48% somewhat, although I won’t break up with her if I realize she isn’t wife material
32% yes, I won’t bother pursuing a woman who isn’t a potential wife

20% no, I don’t look that far ahead in my relationships

Comment: “material”- the Encarta English dictionary defines this as the substance used to make things. The Thesaurus lists- fabric; cloth; textile; stuff; substance; matter; bits and pieces. Can you find a better word?

If there were no chance of your partner finding out, how likely would you be to cheat?

40% not at all likely, I might be tempted, but cheating violates my morals
32% not very likely, I may be tempted, but I love and respect her too much

19% somewhat likely, but I would feel guilty, nonetheless
5% very likely, she can’t be hurt if she doesn’t know about it

Comment: Ouch, is your mate or better half in that 5 percentile?

Who should pay on a date?

45% both parties should take turns
51% he should

3% always go Dutch

Have you ever read your partner’s Facebook messages, email or other electronic correspondence?

37% no, I respect her privacy
24% yes, but with her knowledge

17% no, but I would if I suspected she was up to something
15% yes, I have broken into her email and social media accounts

Comment: I wonder why ‘trust’ wasn’t listed as a choice to that first question.
To read more, check out We’d love to hear your answers to these questions here on the Single 101 blog.  Post a comment.