Monday, March 14, 2011

A Song and Video for Charlie Sheen Topping the Search Engines

Thank you to, and for the top rankings in the search engines!

"Bad, Bad Boys Like You", a song for Charlie Sheen and now a music video, has just hit in the past week.  After Charlie's consistent coverage of every television network in the past 30 days, I decided to dedicate Reason #73 to him from my book, "Single 101: 101 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single".

You can order a copy of "Single 101" on or download it in second from The Kindle Store.

I've been a loyal fan of "Two and A Half Men" from the start.  Charlie willl work it out.  He always comes out of every situation unscathed.  An anonymous online reporter suggested that Charlie buy Jon Cryer a nice car and let bygones be bygones. Charlie screws up from time to time, but down deep, I think we all believe he's a good guy.  We all go through mid-life crisis and in Charlie's case, this is a big one.

Say a prayer for him!

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Book from Suze Orman- A MUST READ!

A shout out to author and money guru Suze Orman. You may love her, hate her, or you're tired of hearing her rantings about how to save money and respect your money, but if you desire financial security, you'd better listen up.

In her latest book, "The Money Class", Suze features examples such as how we treat our money and how important money REALLY is to us. Take out your wallet right now for a closer look at how organized or messy it is. Suze says you only need the most important cards in your wallet, like an American Express card and one additional credit card. Your gas card, insurance card, ID info and driver's license are all you need, in addition to the minimal amount of cash you need for that day or week. There is absolutely no reason to carry all of the cash you have in the world in your wallet at all times. This is just protection in case you're mugged or lose your bag in the subway!

In "Single 101: 101 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single", Reason #82, "You Can Build Your Own Wealth", I travel back to the 1700's, where Benjamin Franklin was hoping to capture the attention of America's early colonial society, urging them to save their money.  Suze Orman could be labeled as the Ben Franklin of this era. She knows what she's talking about!

I give her so much credit for stepping up to the plate to help people. Countless others who have wealth and knowledge of how to gain financial security just sit back and laugh at those who don't have a clue about saving money. Just think of how your local back could offer more customer service with classes or workshops on managing your money. Maybe they'd gain more customers.  The truth is, they love stupid people.  They'd lose earnings if everyone really knew what they were doing.

Thanks Suze and keep on keeping on!
Suze will be signing at Dominican U. on March 24th!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Poll Finds Single Motherhood in America Still Unacceptable

Okay, I'm mad now. It's 2011, for God's sake, and a recent poll conducted by the Pew Center finds that single motherhood continues to get the thumbs down by most Americans.

According to an article in the Washington Post by Carol Morello, posted on February 16, 2011, most Americans still view single mothers as detrimental to our society. The word, "detrimental" is pretty extreme, isn't it?

One in five households in the United States are now managed by single parents. Of the 2,700 surveyed, opinions were uncovered on seven trends in modern relationships that are dramatically changing the format of the traditional family. These trends covered unmarried parents raising children; gay couples raising children; single mothers; unmarried partners living together; working mothers; interracial marriage; and women who have never had children. There was nothing mentioned in the study on a survey of single fathers raising children.

Those who participated in the survey who were positive about the changes in our society, were mostly women and Hispanic, living in the Eastern U.S. People who were unhappy and against these changes were older, white Republicans, who were married and claiming to be religiously observant, residing in the Midwest or Southern U.S.

"There is still a strong belief that children need two parents", said Andrew Cherlin, a Johns Hopkins University sociologist, who studies families. Cherlin states that these convictions are based not only on moral concerns, but practical and economical reasons. A recent report on the network evening news, shows that women continue to forge ahead in the workplace, with more receiving college degrees, but still are only earning 75% of what men earn in similar positions.

What do you think? Are people anti-single mother or just pro-parent? Join in the conversation and add your comments here!

Cheers to all single parents.  You are champions!