Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reason Number 75- Freedom to Pursue Your Passion

Dear Single 101 Friends,

I have been away for the past few months caring for my mother, who fought breast cancer for twenty years. She was a warrior and a champion. Due to the angels and volunteers of Hospice of Central Ohio, she went peacefully just before dawn on a frigid December morning just before Christmas. Her soul is now free to expand in eternity.

My mother and I spent countless days, months and hours together, agonizing over medical decisions and existing in a life of ambiguity. Leonardo da Vinci taught that we must embrace life’s uncertainties.

As I get back on track with Single 101 blogs, I’d like to share da Vinci’s wisdom and highlight Reason Number 75 from my book, “Single 101: 1201 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single”.

Reaching the summit of your full potential is a tough climb, but so worthwhile. If you’re single, there are far more opportunities for self-actualization and reaching your goals. It is possible that you have experienced times in your life when a partner or spouse held you back or distracted you from focusing on your heart’s desires and dreams. Life is too short. Go for it all fearlessly!

Check out the seven steps to genius, designed by artist, scholar and inventor Leonardo da Vinci:

“The Seven Principles”

1. Curiosita- the unrelenting quest for continuous learning.

2. Dimostrazione- the commitment to test knowledge through experience and persistence.

3. Sensazione- continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, which enlivens life’s experiences.

4. Sfumato- literally meaning, “Going up in smoke”- the willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty.

5. Arte/ Scienza- the development of balance between science and art, logic and imagination.

6. Corporalita-the cultivation of race, ambidexterity and poise.

7. Connessione- a recognition of and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena, also known as ‘systems thinking’.

To learn more, visit:

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