Tuesday, December 9, 2014

'Tis the Season

What a way to kick off the holidays for 2014. On Sunday, December 7th, I shared an incredible day with 39 other authors at the Delaware District Library, Orange Branch. All of the authors who participated are based in the Central Ohio area. There were writers who have passion about relationships, animals, retirement, medicine, self improvement and those who love to write novels about fantasy, mystery, sports and history.

I have always believed that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and on that day, the library coordinator had positioned my Single 101 table next to an expert and author on numerology. As we met and greeted the library patrons, signed books and networked with the other writers, Nancy Fairbrother and I shared our experiences and the joyful journey of being an author. Nancy was there with her eBook, “Born to Succeed”. Those of you who are a part of the Single 101 Nation can guess immediately where this is going, because you know I was intrigued by her book and yearned to know more.
In my Single 101 blogs, journals and scratchings on the desire of flying solo, a greater part of my passion has been about success. Whether it is success in relationships, career or simply finding peace, those 6 letters always float to the top. It has also been interesting to me throughout my life that the second half of the word ‘success’ is one of my nicknames, Cess.

Nancy Fairbrother asks us, “What is success?” These are her statements:
Success is living with passion, enthusiasm and joy.
Success is experiencing the delight of expressing your authentic self.
Success is using your challenges as opportunities for personal growth.
Success is using your innate genius to serve your highest good and the highest good of others.

Nancy writes, "You were born to succeed in every area of your life. Your personal formula for success is encoded in your birth name and birth date." Her e-book shows you how to reveal your life purpose and the key to creating the life of your dreams.
Check out Nancy Fairbrother’s eBook on Smashwords, Kindle, or Nook.

Living the single life will always present new challenges and it’s definitely worth the time to look deeper with the help of experts like Nancy Fairbrother. Visit her website at: http://YouWereBornThatWay.com
After having the great opportunity of meeting Nancy, my theme for 2015 is “success”!

Thank you once again to Joe O’Rourke and his great staff of the Delaware District Library, Orange Branch for a lovely author’s event.  If you live in the Delaware or Columbus area, stop in over the holidays and relax by their wonderful fireplace with a great book.

As we close another year and begin a fresh look at the horizon, pick up a copy of “Single 101:101 New Year’s Resolutions” on Kindle, downloadable to Kindle Fire, iPad and iPhone.

Share your theme or goals for 2015 by commenting here!
Happy Holidays!

Celeste   Cess  :)



Friday, October 24, 2014

AskMen.com Relationship Survey

AskMen.com decided to survey their readers to find out what it means to be a man in today’s world. Opinions and roles have changed dramatically throughout the past few decades. You may be impressed at how compassionate and considerate today’s man is with regard to the woman in his life.

The percentages of the answers are very revealing in how men view their roles in relationships. Here are a few of the AskMen questions:

Of the four choices listed below, which is the most important personality trait for deciding if a woman is relationship material?

40% a sense of loyalty
25% sense of caring and nurturing

16% sense of humor

19% intelligence

Comment:  Okay, so some women might view these answers responding that you have to display that you think he’s funny, take care of him because every man needs a mother, be loyal even if he cheats and you don’t have to be very smart. (just sayin’)

Do you believe in the institution of marriage?

76% yes and one I would participate in
16% yes, I believe it is an institution, but it’s not for me

8% no, I do not believe in marriage


Is it important for a girlfriend to have wife potential?

48% somewhat, although I won’t break up with her if I realize she isn’t wife material
32% yes, I won’t bother pursuing a woman who isn’t a potential wife

20% no, I don’t look that far ahead in my relationships

Comment: “material”- the Encarta English dictionary defines this as the substance used to make things. The Thesaurus lists- fabric; cloth; textile; stuff; substance; matter; bits and pieces. Can you find a better word?

If there were no chance of your partner finding out, how likely would you be to cheat?

40% not at all likely, I might be tempted, but cheating violates my morals
32% not very likely, I may be tempted, but I love and respect her too much

19% somewhat likely, but I would feel guilty, nonetheless
5% very likely, she can’t be hurt if she doesn’t know about it

Comment: Ouch, is your mate or better half in that 5 percentile?

Who should pay on a date?

45% both parties should take turns
51% he should

3% always go Dutch

Have you ever read your partner’s Facebook messages, email or other electronic correspondence?

37% no, I respect her privacy
24% yes, but with her knowledge

17% no, but I would if I suspected she was up to something
15% yes, I have broken into her email and social media accounts

Comment: I wonder why ‘trust’ wasn’t listed as a choice to that first question.
To read more, check out AskMen.com. We’d love to hear your answers to these questions here on the Single 101 blog.  Post a comment.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Bible as We Know It- or- Do We?

On a blustery, snowy Saturday evening, I joined a friend to see the film, “Monument Men”.  As we entered the theatre, it wasn’t listed on the menu board and the last feature had been presented that afternoon.

We checked out what choices in other films were offered, should we decide to stay and chose the new sci-fi, fantasy “Noah”, in I-Max format.  At the start, we were uncomfortable in the theatre with the maximized volume of sound, which pounded your head and bounced you around in your seat from its strength.

Starring Russell Crowe, this Darren Aronofsky-directed epic has met with much controversy.  My friend and I left the theatre with mixed feelings as well, but the greatest effect it had on me was the motivation to open my Bible and read the book of Genesis.  After seeing an interview this morning with the director, I have a new take on the film and understand it not merely as art, but a provocative look at the destruction of the world by water.  It is truly a brave new world where younger audiences desire the X-game approach to film design, but I still don’t see the need for the gargantuan transformer-looking rock men called ‘The Watchers’.

What does this have to do with being single?  In the story of Noah, man was to be destroyed and the innocent, the animals of the Earth, were to be saved, each species by two.  In this new film, Noah’s family is spared, but not every member is left with a mate.

    If you were on board the ark, would you be satisfied with being single and left alone 
without a partner?

My answer, from a lighter approach, is that I’d be just fine, as long as all of the animals were saved. Much greater is the fact that the planet Earth was saved.  Left with being single on the ark would have still been a gift, offering the chance to see the world once again.  I just wonder about all of the sea life that wasn’t affected in deeper waters.

Finally, the best shot in “Noah”, for me at least, was at the end where the dove returned to the ark carrying a stem of something green in its beak, a sign that life existed and God, or the Creator was still with us.

Who are we to judge?

With so many critics weighing in, who have knocked down the film before even opening in theatres in the United States, who are we to be the judge?  I congratulate the director and his writers for having the courage to create a biblical film, fifty years after the Cecil B. DeMille story of Moses. What would we write if compelled to do the same?  Do we have the courage to share the possibilities of history?  For an experience that makes you think and question, I recommend seeing this film.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

On the Battlefield of Cancer

    Author Celeste Friedman shares her experiences with her late mother, Awanna Reichert, who fought a valiant battle with cancer for twenty-plus years.  In her newly released e-Book, “Among the Fallen Leaves” she tells the story from the view of her journal, “On the Battlefield of Cancer”.

    Each day, we learn of countless individuals who have some form of cancer.  Most of the world now has somewhat of an understanding of what this monster is and its name has become a part of our daily dialogue.

    There are over one-hundred forms of cancer and research is unveiling more about metastasis.  After a radical mastectomy in February of 2013, her mother’s oncologist informed them of the grave possibility that the cancer would metastasize the bones, lungs and spleen.  A former nurse, Celeste’s mother refused to go through any further treatment, as she believed that her eighty-five years on this earth had been enough.  With her strong belief that life is in God’s hands, she continued to fight, still hoping for an unparalleled breakthrough.

    Current statistics show there are approximately 155,000 Americans living with metastatic breast cancer.  40,000 of those individuals will die within the coming year.  The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in women in 2014 and possibly 18 million by 2020.  To date, there are 2.8 million documented breast cancer survivors in the United States.

    If caught early enough, many cancers are manageable.  Some of the most common treatments for cancer include chemotherapy and radiation, miraculously killing the abnormal cells, if you are one of the fortunate.  The cost endured from treatment can be insurmountable, having a critical impact on a patient’s financial situation and adding a tremendous burden on the family.  Cancer takes its toll on everyone and the price that is paid emotionally is immeasurable.

    The National Cancer Institute predicts that the amount of money Americans will spend on cancer treatments yearly will reach a staggering $158 billion by the year 2020.  Since the 1950’s, the American Cancer Society has been committed to intensive research with regard to preventing cancer; the link between cigarette smoking; lung cancer and other risks such as obesity.  To learn more, visit the following online links:
www.Cancer.org – The American Cancer Society official website.

For more on Celeste’s upcoming eBook release, please visit http://BattlefieldofCancer.webs.com

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reason Number 75- Freedom to Pursue Your Passion

Dear Single 101 Friends,

I have been away for the past few months caring for my mother, who fought breast cancer for twenty years. She was a warrior and a champion. Due to the angels and volunteers of Hospice of Central Ohio, she went peacefully just before dawn on a frigid December morning just before Christmas. Her soul is now free to expand in eternity.

My mother and I spent countless days, months and hours together, agonizing over medical decisions and existing in a life of ambiguity. Leonardo da Vinci taught that we must embrace life’s uncertainties.

As I get back on track with Single 101 blogs, I’d like to share da Vinci’s wisdom and highlight Reason Number 75 from my book, “Single 101: 1201 Reasons to Celebrate Being Single”.

Reaching the summit of your full potential is a tough climb, but so worthwhile. If you’re single, there are far more opportunities for self-actualization and reaching your goals. It is possible that you have experienced times in your life when a partner or spouse held you back or distracted you from focusing on your heart’s desires and dreams. Life is too short. Go for it all fearlessly!

Check out the seven steps to genius, designed by artist, scholar and inventor Leonardo da Vinci:

“The Seven Principles”

1. Curiosita- the unrelenting quest for continuous learning.

2. Dimostrazione- the commitment to test knowledge through experience and persistence.

3. Sensazione- continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, which enlivens life’s experiences.

4. Sfumato- literally meaning, “Going up in smoke”- the willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty.

5. Arte/ Scienza- the development of balance between science and art, logic and imagination.

6. Corporalita-the cultivation of race, ambidexterity and poise.

7. Connessione- a recognition of and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena, also known as ‘systems thinking’.

To learn more, visit: http://www.davincisciencecenter.org