Monday, February 8, 2010

Guilt-Free Gorging

As I write, the snow is continuing to fall on top of the 10 inches on the ground. The local meteorologists have already named this the Blizzard of 2010 and it isn’t through with us yet.

Our local post office has made the decision to break their “whether rain, snow, sleet or hail, the mail will get through” promise and postpone mail delivery until the first of next week. My road is impassable and the drifts are growing rapidly. A neighbor has just knocked at my door to see if I wanted my driveway ploughed, but he can’t do it for free. The price of regular gas yesterday was $3.29 per gallon, but my car can safely wait in the garage for a couple more days with the hope that the cost of filling the tank will decrease.

The cupboard and refrigerator are stocked, my Saturday gig has been canceled and why in the world do I even want to go out anyway? The blanket of snow, or I should say layers of comforters of snow in my yard, actually give me a warm feeling as I watch the flakes get larger, blowing aimlessly in the wind that swirls around my house.

This calls for cuddling up on the sofa with a bag of the latest chocolate/peanut butter chip cookies I discovered at the market. Once again, the benefits of being single come to the surface. It’s cold, I’m snowed in and the cookies are all mine!

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