Tracy McMillen, TV writer and contributor to the Huffington Post, published
a blog on June 12, 2012, titled "Single Women Can't Really Be Happy". When I
saw the heading, it ruffled my feathers at first. Reading further, she states,
"eventually, most women I know want to be partnered."
I agree with her findings, but find it very sad. We enter this world alone
and leave it in the same way. It stands to reason that we truly live when we
love, however, that doesn't have to mean that we must be loved by a man or woman
as our life's partner. Reason #63 in my book, "Single 101: 101 Reasons to
Celebrate Being Single" is "You are Not Desperate to Find a Mate."
I'm saddened by the fact that articles and blogs like Ms. McMillen's get
published because the media loves to spread bad news, negative energy and
gossip. Last on the list to make it past the gatekeeper of a magazine or
newspaper is a positive story. The Single 101 Nation is all about independence
and celebrating the freedom of choice to be single.
It used to seem as though
our mothers, grandmothers and aunts were pressuring us to depend upon a man.
Now, our society via the media wants to shut us in a closet until we come out
begging not to be alone.
Well, guess what? That's not going to happen.
Dear Tracy McMillen,
You could have at least changed your heading to:
"Can Single Women Really Be Happy?"